Pocomoke City, Maryland

"The friendliest town on the Eastern Shore"

Cypress Park-Tennis/Pickleball Court Lighting

RFP: Pocomoke City: Cypress Park-Tennis/Pickleball Court Lighting Project-2024

Invitation to Bid/Request for Sealed Bids
October 7, 2024
The Mayor and City Council of Pocomoke City are accepting sealed bids to provide lighting to the combined Tennis-Pickleball Courts located in Cypress Park. An additional component of this bid is to provide auxiliary illumination of the lawn area in the front of the amphitheater area where concert seating is located.  The Cypress Park Tennis Courts include one (1) tennis court and six (6) pickleball courts with exterior pavement dimensions of 150 ft. by 124 feet.   Sealed bids must be received no later than Friday, October 25, 2024 by 11:00 AM E.S.T. to Pocomoke City Hall located at 101 Clarke Avenue, PO Box 29, Pocomoke City Maryland, where they will be promptly opened and read in the City Manager’s Conference Room, 2nd Floor. Qualified firms wishing to respond to “CYPRESS PARK TENNIS-PICKLEBALL LIGHTING PROJECT” must provide all labor, materials and equipment required for the lighting as defined in the bid documents.  See the attached bid document below.  Please direct any questions to the Planning Director, Dan Brandewie, at 410-957-1633.

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Business Hours

Hours of Operation - 8:00 am - 4:30 pm

Phone Numbers

City Hall: 410-957-1333
Water Dept: 410-957-2521
Public Works: 410-957-0107
Animal Control: 410-632-1340
Code Enforcement: 667-853-3120
Planning & Zoning: 410-957-1633
Police Non-emergency: 410-957-1600
Ambulance Non-emergency: 410-957-3600
Fire Company Non-emergency: 410-957-1023

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