Pocomoke City, Maryland

"The friendliest town on the Eastern Shore"

City Manager's Report








DATE: October 25, 2024


Please refer to the following update on City operations provided to the Mayor and Council for the week of October 18 - 25, 2024:




  • Worked with City Clerk to coordinate 10/24 Special Called Meeting.
  • Drafted and edited Emergency Resolution for Police Radios.
  • Initiated a review of Pocomoke City Council districts.
  • Finalized RFP for Armory Demolition project, to be advertised 10/25.  Bids will be due 11/22.
  • Attended a virtual meeting with Chesapeake Utilities to discuss future energy related project coordination.
  • Attended PCPD monthly staff meeting.
  • Authorized computer/IT upgrades for the WW Plant to ensure efficient communication and system monitoring.
  • Registered for the MML Fall Leadership Conference in Cambridge scheduled for 11/6-11/8.
  • Joined Planning Director for the bid-opening of the Cypress Park Lighting project.
  • Working with GMB on agreement for project management of the Safe Paths Initiative.
  • Joined the Mayor and staff in hosting MD lobbyist Bruce Bereano for a discussion about potential funding opportunities for City projects.




City Events

  • Pocomoke Christmas Parade 12/2/24
    • New website is active & registrations are rapidly coming in.
  • Mayor's Old-Fashioned Christmas Evening 12/6/24
    • Confirmed: DJ, Band (Coastal Sound), Pocomoke Middle & High School choirs.

City Hall

  • Continued social media promotion of all City events & news.
  • Virtual Halloween Costume Contest voting is on Facebook & will remain open until Halloween.
  • Celebrating Economic Development Week by highlighting Pocomoke businesses on the City's Facebook page.
  • Made a final DPA deposit for all events & balanced the checkbook while serving as their Treasurer.
  • Attended a meeting with lobbyist Bruce Bereano, the Mayor & other City staff to discuss funding opportunities.
  • Changed highway signs to promote the Halloween Happenings at the Fairgrounds this weekend.
  • Designed a Pocomoke Community Connection social media ad to promote several events happening in Pocomoke this weekend.


  • FY24 Project Restore 2.0: $279,975, in progress.
  • More funds have become available and an additional $125,000 has been awarded to Pocomoke based on the City's high score in the application process.
  • 15% of those funds can be awarded directly to the grantee, Pocomoke City for Operating Assistance in the amount of $41,966.25.
  • Updated grant agreement has been signed & sent back to DHCD.
    • Subgrantees:
      • 144 Market Street: RFP approved, awaiting funds.
      • 149 Market Street: Working with the owners for additional paperwork & contracts needed.
      • 113 Willow Street:  RFP approved, awaiting funds.
  • FY24 Downtown Building Improvement Grant: $50,000, in progress.
    • Subgrantees:
      • 148 Market Street: Electrical project complete.
      • 142 Market Street: HVAC project complete.
      • 149 Market Street: Renovations in progress.
  • FY24 Operating Assistance Grant: $10,000, in progress.
    • Mural installation has begun & is expected to be completed by the end this week.
  • FY25 Downtown Building Improvement Grant: Submitted, awaiting award announcement.
    • Several property owners are interested in applying when the time comes.
  • FY25 Operating Assistance Grant: Awarded $10,000, awaiting grant agreement.




  • Employment Status
    • 63 Full Time
    • 21 Part-time
  • Audited the monthly invoice:  Integra (Medical + Vision).
  • Represented Pocomoke City at the Worcester County Job Fair in Snow Hill.
  • Worked with Alera Group to clarify Enforcement Guidance on disability-related inquiries and medical examinations of employees under the ADA.
  • Reviewed and audited the updated Standard Life Insurance coverage amounts for all of our full-time employees.
  • In-Processed 1 Employee
    • EMS / Paramedic - PT
  • Continue to support our current employees, retirees and former employees with HR questions, MSRS questions and Employee Handbook questions.




  • Issued electric permit for 612 2nd Street (SF home renovations).
  • Issued sign permits for Hebron Savings Bank.
  • Inspected and issued Certificate of Occupancy for 2027 Bypass Road (SF home renovations).
  • Inspected 2108 Orchard Drive (violation- accessory building in side yard-no permits).
  • Inspected 101 Market (vacant commercial building-window repaired-interior in good condition).
  • CDBG Research- 2016 Housing Rehab Loan Repayments.
  • Attended CDBG online training session.
  • Attending APA Conference (Monday-Tuesday).
  • Issued Violation Notice - 2024 Orchard Dr. (failure to obtain permits for fence and pool).
  • Vacant commercial bldg. registration form received from owner of 202 Clarke Avenue.  Inspection scheduled.
  • Condemned 702 Second St. for house fire.
  • Coordinated with dealerships for delivery of the 5 remaining truck purchases.
  • Received estimates for HVAC upgrades in the Lodge Cabin.
  • Issued violation notices for weeds/grass to 8 properties.
  • Continued managing the Rental Registration program notices with landlords and owners of rental homes.





  • 0 Adult Arrests
  • 22 Traffic Stops (27 total violations, 15 warnings, 12 citations)
  • 4 Motor Vehicle Accident
  • 38 Foot Patrols
  • 49 Business Checks
  • 61 Patrol Checks
  • 7 Assists to other Law Enforcement Agencies



  • We have started the background process on a second applicant that we hope to enter in the January 2025 Entry Level Police Academy. We now have a third that we are processing. All 3 are women.  This could be the first time ever Pocomoke City Police Department has sponsored three women candidates in the same entry level class.


Additional Information

  • 10/22/24 - officers responded to the Dorchester Avenue area, in reference to a male subject lying on the grass, appeared to be not breathing. Officers arrived on scene and located a Hispanic male lying on the grass appeared to be disoriented, dazed, and confused. Further investigation revealed the male subject was traveling from Delaware. During his course of travel, the subject ended up on Dorchester Street accidentally. During the course of this investigation, approximately 5.6 pounds of suspected crystal methamphetamine was located inside of the vehicle. The substance later tested negative for any illegal drug. It was also suspected the substance was possibly materials to make explosives. Officers utilized all resources, called out a HAZMAT team, drug task force, FBI, HIS, and ATF.  The federal agents have confiscated the unknown substance to further evaluate the material. It is suspected at this point the substance is synthetic methamphetamine which does not react positive to any current law enforcement drug test. Great job by PCPD officers, the substance is off the street with charges pending.





  • Completed repairs on the rake at the intake.
  • Working on obtaining bids for air pumps for DPW.
  • Grass and weeds maintenance has been completed for the season.
  • Trash truck is back in the shop for repairs.  We may need to consider purchasing a new truck.
  • Continued to maintain ditches and storm drains.
  • Completed repairs to fairgrounds maintenance truck.
  • Met with SHA re: Market St. re-paving work needed to complete CIPP Phas


Pay Bills Online

Our online utility billing application gives you access to your account 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. It's a convenient way to pay your bills on your own time - with no waiting!

Scan this QR code with your mobile device or click here to get started!

Business Hours

Hours of Operation - 8:00 am - 4:30 pm

Phone Numbers

City Hall: 410-957-1333
Water Dept: 410-957-2521
Public Works: 410-957-0107
Animal Control: 410-632-1340
Code Enforcement: 667-853-3120
Planning & Zoning: 410-957-1633
Police Non-emergency: 410-957-1600
Ambulance Non-emergency: 410-957-3600
Fire Company Non-emergency: 410-957-1023

Problems or concerns that are not an emergency please click here to email.
